July 31, 2012

Add End-To-End monitoring to Your CXF application with Open Source

This is the second blog I mentioned here.

I'd like to show how to add end-to-end monitoring to your CXF based applications. End-to-end monitoring means that you can follow the message flow which has been triggered by a user across several web services nodes (consumer/provider). Context information of a message and its content are pushed by every web service node to a central server component. The communication style is asynchronous to not delay message processing.

To show how this can be achieved I'll also use the example wsclientWebapp of the Apache CXF Fediz project which I already used to illustrate how to add load balancing and failover. Further information is available here.

This example already supports Web SSO (IDP), WS-Security and STS. The architecture is described in a previous blog.

A web appliation is federation enabled with Fediz to support SSO. As part of the login of the browser user, a SAML token is issued which contains the claims information which are relevant to the web application. The web application calls a web service on behalf of the logged in user. This is accomplished by the CXF STS which is shipped as part of the Fediz in the IDP/STS component. The Web Service Consumer (Web Application) requests a new token based on the WS-SecurityPolicy of the Web Service Provider on behalfof of the security token issued as part of the Web Login. In this example, the security tokens are SAML tokens.

More information on how to build, deploy and test the demo are described in the README.

This example has the following gaps to be deployed in a distributed environment:

  • URL's of the web service provider is configured on the service consumer side which is difficult to manage across the environments and for all web service consumers
  • If an error occurs you have to analyze log files of all involved nodes in the message flow to drill down the root cause of the issue. Usually, the log files of all involved applications are distributed in the network. It's difficult to correlate the messages in the different log files.
These issues might be manageable within the scope of a project but not on the enterprise level as your application might consume several services which are used by other applications as well. As mentioned at the beginning, the first gap is addressed in the previous blog. This blog will address how to add end-to-end monitoring.

Talend built Apache licensed open source components to add load balancing, failover and end-to-end monitoring to your CXF/Camel based applications. This blog shows you how easily you can integrate this component into your application.

Update your CXF application

Talend built a SAM (Service Activity Monitoring) server component where service participants (consumer/provider) can send information about incoming and outgoing messages. The SAM server is Apache licensed. Besides the server component, the SAM agent is deployed as part of the CXF application which hooks into the interceptor chain to collect all required information about the message and pushes it to the SAM server asynchronously.

What do you have to do in your application?

A) Web Service Provider

Make the following changes in the maven project wsclientWebapp/webservice/service

1) add POM dependency for the Talend SAM agent library

This library hooks into the CXF interceptor chain to send service activity information to the SAM server.

2) add a file agent.properties to your maven project src/main/resources

This file contains information where the SAM agent is running and what kind of information should be sent.



3) Update Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml

The highlighted lines must be added to the example application.

   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/locator/beans.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/agent-context.xml" /> 
   <!-- GreeterService -->
   <jaxws:endpoint id="GreeterService"

         <entry key="ws-security.signature.properties" value="stsKeystore.properties" />
         <entry key="org.talend.tesb.endpoint.secured" value="true"/>

      <!-- Talend feature -->
         <bean class="org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.LocatorFeature" />
         <ref bean="eventFeature"/>
4) Run "mvn clean install"

Maven builds a new WAR package. This package is now able to send service activity information to the SAM server.

B) Web Service Consumer

Make the following changes in the maven project wsclientWebapp/webapp

1) add POM dependency for the Talend SAM agent library

This library hooks into the CXF interceptor chain to send service activity information to the SAM server.

2) add a file agent.properties to your maven project src/main/resources

This file contains information where the SAM agent is running and what kind of information should be sent.



There are different options to configure what kind of information should be pushed to the SAM server. Please check the Talend_ESB_InfrastructureServices manual for all configuration options like:
  • Send message content
  • Configure maximum length of content to be sent
  • filters to find/replace in message content
  • add custom context information
  • ...
3) Update Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml

The highlighted lines must be added to the example application.

   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/locator/beans.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/agent-context.xml" /> 
  <jaxws:client id="HelloServiceClient" serviceName="svc:GreeterService"
      <entry key="ws-security.sts.client">
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.STSClient">
          <constructor-arg ref="cxf" />
          <property name="wsdlLocation" value="https://localhost:9443/fedizidpsts/STSServiceTransport?wsdl" />
          <property name="serviceName"
            value="{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/}SecurityTokenService" />
          <property name="endpointName"
            value="{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/}Transport_Port" />
          <property name="onBehalfOf" ref="delegationCallbackHandler" />
          <property name="enableAppliesTo" value="true" />
    <entry key="ws-security.cache.issued.token.in.endpoint" value="false" />
      <bean class="org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.LocatorFeature" />
      <ref bean="eventFeature"/>
4) Run "mvn clean install"

Maven builds a new WAR package. This package is now able to send service activity information to the SAM server.

Deploy SAM server

Last but not least, the Talend SAM server must be deployed and started which is shipped as part of the Talend ESB. Follow these steps to start the SAM server (if you have run already the demo for the Service Locator you only have to run tesb:start-all):
  1. Download the Talend ESB Standard Edition (SE) here. The Standard Edition has full functionality and is Apache licensed.
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Run <install-dir>/container/trun
  4. Execute the following command in the console


  5. You can log the most recent logs with the command


The SAM server (and Service Locator) are running now.

More information about the Talend ESB is available here:

Test the application

You can test the application as described in the README of the Fediz example wsclientWebapp.

Enter the URL https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/service.jsp and click on the button Call Service after login (User: alice, Password: ecila). This triggers a web service call.

You will also see that messages are sent to the SAM server from the service consumer and service provider:

Jul 5, 2012 11:21:09 PM org.talend.esb.sam.agent.collector.EventCollector sendEvents
INFO: Put events(2) to Monitoring Server.

You can use any DB Visualizer Tool to show the data of the messages exchanged in the web services network. In this example, the data is written to Apache Derby.

You find more information where this DB is located in Talend_ESB_InfrastructureServices in chapter 4.3.

This is not a very nice UI to see which messages are part of a flow triggered by a user. In my next blog I'll describe the Talend Administration Console (TAC) which allows to see the messages exchanged and the registered service in a graphical way.

This blog showed how easy it is to add end-to-end monitoring capabilities to your CXF application with open source components and without changing a single line of code.

July 12, 2012

Add Failover and Load balancing to Your CXF application with Open Source

In the next blogs I'd like to describe how easy it is to add other enterprise features to your existing CXF based applications. My previous blogs were always very focused on security. The enterprise features I'd like to talk are:
  • load-balancing
  • failover
  • end-to-end monitoring
In this blog, I'll address load-balancing and failover whereas end-to-end monitoring is addressed in the next blog.

The assumption is that the web services are deployed on several machines. You want to either load balance the requests among the deployed services dynamically or failover in case a service is not reachable anymore.

To show how this can be implemented I'll use the example wsclientWebapp of the Apache CXF Fediz project which has been released recently.

This example already supports Web SSO (IDP), WS-Security and STS. The architecture is described in a previous blog. More information on how to build, deploy and test the wsclientWebapp example are described in its README.

This example has the following gaps to be deployed in a distributed environment:

  • URL's of the web service is configured on the service consumer side which is difficult to manage across the environments and for all web service consumers
  • If an error occurs you have to analyze log files to drill down the root cause of the issue. Usually, the log files of all involved applications are distributed in the network. It's difficult to correlate the messages in the different log files.
These issues might be manageable within the scope of a project but not on the enterprise level as your application might consume several services which are used by other applications as well. As mentioned at the beginning, the second gap will be addressed by implementing end-to-end monitoring which is described in the next blog.

Talend built Apache licensed open source components which address the previously mentioned gaps and add load balancing and failover capabilities to your CXF application.

Update your CXF application

Service Providers register its endpoints (URL) at the Talend Service Locator and service consumer can lookup for an service endpoint (compare to DNS or UDDI). The Service Locator is Apache licensed and re-uses other proven open source projects like Zookeeper. Besides the server component, the CXF Failover/Clustering feature has been extended to integrate with the Service Locator.

What do you have to do in your application?

A) Web Service Provider

Make the following changes in the maven project wsclientWebapp/webservice/service

1) add POM dependency to Talend Locator library

This library hooks into the CXF Failover/Load Balancing functionality to integrate with the Service Locator server.


2) add a file locator.properties to your maven project src/main/resources

This file contains information where the Service Locator server is running.

# Configured zookeeper instances (divided by a comma if several instances uses). 
# The service locator client will pick an instance
# to connect to the service locator until a connection is established. 

# Endpoint prefix property is needed because the services
# in a container where the endpoints
# are relative to the container.

3) Update Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml

The highlighted lines must be added to the example application.

   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/locator/beans.xml" />
   <!-- GreeterService -->
   <jaxws:endpoint id="GreeterService"

         <entry key="ws-security.signature.properties" value="stsKeystore.properties" />
         <entry key="org.talend.tesb.endpoint.secured" value="true"/>

      <!-- Talend feature -->
         <bean class="org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.LocatorFeature" />
4) Run "mvn clean install"

Maven builds a new WAR package. This package is now able to register its endpoint at the service locator.

B) Web Service Consumer

Make the following changes in the maven project wsclientWebapp/webapp

1) add POM dependency to Talend Locator library

This library hooks into the CXF Failover/Load Balancing functionality to integrate with the Service Locator server.

Some transitive dependencies have to be excluded as they are already part of the fediz package which is available in the parent classloader of tomcat.

2) add a file locator.properties to your maven project src/main/resources

This file contains the network address where the Service Locator server is running.

# Configured zookeeper instances (divided by a comma if several instances uses). 
# The service locator client will pick an instance
# to connect to the service locator until a connection is established. 

There are different options to configure the cache of endpoints. Please check the Talend_ESB_InfrastructureServices manual for all configuration options.

3) Update Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml

The highlighted lines must be added to the example application.

   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
   <import resource="classpath:META-INF/tesb/locator/beans.xml" />
  <jaxws:client id="HelloServiceClient" serviceName="svc:GreeterService"
      <entry key="ws-security.sts.client">
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.STSClient">
          <constructor-arg ref="cxf" />
          <property name="wsdlLocation" value="https://localhost:9443/fedizidpsts/STSServiceTransport?wsdl" />
          <property name="serviceName"
            value="{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/}SecurityTokenService" />
          <property name="endpointName"
            value="{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/}Transport_Port" />
          <property name="onBehalfOf" ref="delegationCallbackHandler" />
          <property name="enableAppliesTo" value="true" />
    <entry key="ws-security.cache.issued.token.in.endpoint" value="false" />
      <bean class="org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.LocatorFeature" />
4) Run "mvn clean install"

Maven builds a new WAR package. This package is now able to lookup the endpoint at the service locator.

You can also apply the following patch to the sources of the fediz example which enables the integration with the Talend Service Locator.

Deploy Service Locator

Last but not least, the Talend Service Locator must be deployed and started which is shipped as part of the Talend ESB. Follow these steps to start the Service Locator:
  1. Download the Talend ESB Standard Edition (SE) here. The Standard Edition is Apache licensed.
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Run <install-dir>/container/trun
  4. Execute the following command in the console


  5. You can log the most recent logs with the command


The Service Locator is running now.

More information about the Talend ESB is available here:

Test the application

You can test the application as described in the README of the Fediz example wsclientWebapp.

Enter the URL https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/service.jsp and click on the button Call Service after login (User: alice, Password: ecila). This triggers a web service call where the web service consumer will lookup the service provider URL at the Talend Service Locator (and caches this information). You will see log statements like this:

Jul 5, 2012 11:21:08 PM org.apache.cxf.clustering.FailoverTargetSelector setStrategy
INFO: Using failover strategy org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.EvenDistributionSelectionStrategy@9235c2
Jul 5, 2012 11:21:08 PM org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.LocatorClientEnabler enable
INFO: Client enabled with strategy org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.EvenDistributionSelectionStrategy.
Jul 5, 2012 11:21:08 PM org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.LocatorTargetSelector prepare
INFO: Found address with locator protocol, mapping it to physical address.
Jul 5, 2012 11:21:08 PM org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.LocatorTargetSelector prepare
INFO: Using strategy org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.EvenDistributionSelectionStrategy.
Jul 5, 2012 11:21:08 PM org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.ReloadSelectionStrategy getPrimaryAddress
INFO: Get address for service {http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http}GreeterService using strategy org.talend.esb.servicelocator.cxf.internal.EvenDistributionSelectionStrategy selecting from [https://localhost:10443/fedizservice/GreeterService] selected = https://localhost:10443/fedizservice/GreeterService
We removed the endpoint URL https://localhost:10443/fedizservice/GreeterService in the configuration of the service consumer. Instead a lookup at the Service Locator resolves this URL.

How can you see which services are registered at the Service Locator

You can use the Zookeeper Client shipped with the Talend ESB to access the Service Locator (Zookeeper Service) which is illustrated next:
/projects/talend/TESB_SE-V5.1.1/zookeeper/bin$ ./zkCli.sh
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /
[cxf-locator, zookeeper]
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] ls /cxf-locator
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 2] ls /cxf-locator/{http:%2F%2Fapache.org%2Fhello_world_soap_http}GreeterService
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] 

This is not a very nice UI to see the registered services. After the blog about End-to-End monitoring I'll describe the Talend Administration Console (TAC) which allows to see the registered service and the messages exchanged in a graphical way.

This blog showed how easy it is to add failover and load-balancing capabilities to your CXF application with open source components and without changing a single line of code. I very much like the approach convention over configuration.

July 2, 2012

Apache CXF Fediz

First release of Apache CXF Fediz available

Apache CXF Fediz is a subproject of Apache CXF. Fediz helps you to secure your web applications and delegate security enforcement to the underlying application server. With Fediz, authentication is externalized from your web application to an identity provider installed as a dedicated server component. The supported standard is WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile.

Fediz supports Claims Based Access Control beyond Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

Fediz supports the following features:

  • WS-Federation 1.0/1.1/1.2
  • SAML 1.1/2.0 Tokens
  • Custom token support
  • Publish WS-Federation Metadata document
  • Role information encoded as AttributeStatement in SAML 1.1/2.0 tokens
  • Claims information provided by FederationPrincipal interface

Release notes are available here.

For more information see:

Features to come in the upcoming releases:
  • Fediz IDP supports RP IDP use case
  • SAML Holder-Of-Key support
  • Support for encrypted SAML tokens
  • Support for Jetty Container
  • Integration with Spring Security
  • Integration with CXF JAX-RS
  • SAML-P support
Feel free to raise enhancement requests and issues here

Thank you for all support and feedback!